Tested Graphics Cards for Linux are Quadro K4000 and Quadro K6000

x86-64 processor, such as Intel Core 2 Duo or later.
If you are running NUKE as part of the Production COLLECTIVE then NUKE will be using an RLM license so you can avoid this issue by updating to NUKE 8.0v6 or later. We are currently in the process of transitioning all NUKE licensing to RLM to remove this issue. There is a bug with our FLEXlm licensing which prevents NUKE running on the new Mac Pros if Thunderbolt devices are connected to the machine.
Our QA and Development teams are in the process of reviewing Windows 10 support and we will update the system requirements as soon as it is qualified. We will update this page when it has been fully qualified.

RLM Environment Info: C:\Users\Mark Eli Alcasid\FoundryLicensing\9eb6d0e79823 C:\Program Files\The Foundry\RLM C:\ProgramData\The Foundry\RLM C:\Program Files (x86)\The Foundry\RLM C:\Users\Mark Eli Alcasid\FoundryLicensing Nukenc 2019.1112 interactive with options all Please check that you have installed the license file in the correct directory (see below for more details) - or contact [ to obtain a free evaluation license, or license extension. This may be because the license file is incorrectly installed, your current license has expired, or you do not have a valid license installed. Nuke has not been able to find a valid license. When I hit 'View Your Account' I can see that my entitlement and license are still active. After hitting 'Update License' it says that 'Installing of: nukenc_i aborted license failed to validate: The License has expired. On launch it says that nukenc_i license has not been found. I am trying to run Nuke Non Commercial on a windows 10 laptop.